Muffs The - Muffs | lp

  • 346 kr

Debut albumet

Bestiilingsvare ca 7 dager

Artikkelnummer: 2887

Label -  Drastic Plastic
Articlenumber -  
Format - LP
Releasedate - 2020
Genre - Power Pop, Indie Rock, Punk, Rock & Roll


Side A
1.  Lucky Guy
2.  Saying Goodbye
3.  Everywhere I Go
4.  Better Than Me
5.  From Your Girl
6.  Not Like Me
7.  Baby Go Round

Side B
1.  North Pole
2.  Big Mouth
3.  Every Single Thing
4.  Don't Waste Another Day
5.  Stupid Jerk
6.  Another Day
7.  Eye To Eye
8.  I Need You
9.  All For Nothing