Clutch - From Beale Street To Oblivion 2Lp

  • 29.89 EUR

Clutch er et amerikansk rockeband fra Maryland, etablert i 1990.

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Artikkelnummer: 1500
Label -Weathermaker Music
Format  -Vinyl 2Lp
Released -2018
Style -Hardrock
Country -Us


You Can't Stop Progress
Power Player
The Devil & Me
Rapture Of Riddley Walker
Child Of The City
Electric Worry
One Eye Dollar
White's Ferry
When Vegans Attack
Opossum Minister
Black Umbrella
Mr. Shiny Cadillackness
Politician (Live at the BBC)
Electric Worry (Live at the BBC)
One Eye Dollar (Live at the BBC)
Mr. Shiny Cadillackness (Live at the BBC)
Cypress Grove (Live at the BBC)
The Devil & Me (Live in Australia)
Child of the City (Live in Australia)
You Gonna Wreck My Life (Live in Australia)
White's Ferry (Live in Australia)

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