Hillbilly Moon Explosion - Buy Beg or Steal | Lp

  • 299 kr

Rockabilly Rock'n'Roll band from Zürich (Zurich, Switzerland), founded in 1998.

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Artikkelnummer: 1695
Label -Jungle Records – AU79LP005
Format  -Lp
Released -2011
Style -Rockabilly
Country -Sveits

Buy Beg Or Steal3:10
Broken Heart2:44
She Kicked Me To The Curb2:45
Trouble & Strife2:58
My Love For Evermore3:24
Night Of The Living Ted2:19
Imagine A World2:31
Goin' To Milano1:59
Touch Me2:48
Rock'N'Roll Girl3:00
Chalk Farm Breakdown1:25
Enola Gay3:24
Non Ho L'Eta3:06